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Exclusive advertising and sponsoring options

Stand out from the crowd

Discover exclusive advertising options and sponsoring services for your appearance at the IAA TRANSPORTATION.

Be unique - all exclusive advertising options for your appearance

Discover the extensive range of advertising options for your appearance at the IAA TRANSPORTATION. Find out more about all digital offers and the special on-site formats. Find out about the limited offers.

We will be happy to advise you and provide information on the availability of options.

IAA Marketing Hub

Exclusive options

All exclusive marketing and sponsoring options for your perfect IAA TRANSPORTATION appearance.

IAA Conference

Increase your visibility and emphasize your expertise with targeted advertising options at the IAA Conference.

Whether as an exclusive main stage sponsor or by booking your own sessions - use the stage to present your innovations and expertise to an interested audience.

These advertising options are perfect for exhibitors who want to draw attention to themselves in the context of the conference. 

Find out more

IAA Experiences

Bring your brand to life with exciting advertising opportunities as part of the IAA Experiences.

Use the dynamic formats to present your products in real use and at the same time be present in advertising.

An ideal approach to strengthen the emotional bond with your target group. 

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IAA WiFi and Lanyards

Achieve maximum visibility by sponsoring the IAA WiFi or the official lanyards.

These unique advertising options promise high visibility and brand presence throughout the exhibition grounds. Ideal for companies that want to leave a lasting impression.

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ValueAd Media Package: Exclusive and premium

Discover our specially compiled ValueAd Media packages, which not only offer you exclusive advertising opportunities, but are also easy on your marketing budget.

With these packages, you benefit from a unique combination of high visibility and cost efficiency - perfectly tailored to your needs and objectives.

Find out more about the ValueAd Media packages here

Industry leadership

IAA Conference

Various sponsorship and advertising options within the conference, including exclusive main stage sponsorship, session bookings and promotional films during break times.

Call for speakers: click here for the Waiting list.

Day Sponsor Main Stage

Experience maximum attention as an exclusive day sponsor of the Main Stage. Your company is in the spotlight with extensive brand presence throughout the entire day of the event.

  • Exclusive visibility as main sponsor for one day
  • Extensive brand presentation on site and in the media
  • Possibility to integrate your own content and topics into the conference program
  • Further formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors
  • The highlight is the "C-Level Interview for Homepage and Social Media". It offers a unique opportunity to present the company and its executives in an exclusive format and make them visible via various channels.

TIP: Perfect for exhibitors looking for maximum attention during the IAA Conference.
Lunch break Touchpoint

Increase your visibility with a promotional film that is played on the break screens. An effective way to attract the attention of an interested audience during break times.

  • Visibility on large screens during breaks
  • High memorability through visual presentation
  • Opportunity to reach a wide audience
  • Applies to exhibitors only
  • Further formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors
TIP: Ideal for exhibitors who want to highlight their brand or products with visual content.
Rent a stage - Press conference
Take advantage of the unique opportunity to rent a stage for your press conference on press day. A strategic time to make announcements and attract media attention.

  • Exclusive setting for press conferences on the press day
  • Professional technical equipment and support
  • High media coverage and attention
  • Further formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors

TIP: Ideal for exhibitors who want to present important announcements or new products.

Rent a stage - Evening event
Give your evening event an exclusive setting by renting a stage. A perfect opportunity to network and strengthen business relationships in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Exclusive use of a stage for private events
  • Complete technical equipment and logistical support
  • Possibility to design the event according to your own ideas and create a unique experience for guests
  • Further formats and full details can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors
Discover all advertising options at the IAA Conference

Dive deeper into the world of the IAA Conference and find the perfect advertising or sponsoring format for your company.

All other formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors.

Mehr erfahren
Exclusive advertising options as part of the IAA Experience
Product experience

IAA Experience

Interactive sponsoring opportunities such as the Cargobike Parcours and test drives.

Participate as an exhibitor?
Click here for the Participation information.

IAA Cargobike Parcours (Presenting Partner)

Position yourself as a pioneer in sustainable mobility as a presenting partner of the IAA Cargobike Parcours. Use this platform to present your innovative solutions to an environmentally conscious audience.

Your brand in the spotlight of cargo bikes in action:

  • 4 x Presenting Partner
  • Logo placement on Mannesmann grille covers along or around the test track
  • Installation of 1x branded inflatable archway or similar Advertising material along the test track
  • Entry as "Presenting Partner - IAA Cargobike Parcours" in the list of exhibitors, on the website and in the app incl. logo
  • Thematic integration in communication and PR
  • Further formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors

IAA Test Drives (Sponsor package)
Become an exclusive sponsor of the IAA Test Drives and combine your brand with a unique driving experience. An excellent opportunity to present your vehicles in action and receive direct feedback from visitors.
  • Logo placement on banner/foil on the outer wall of the departure terminal
  • Logo placement on signage along the test track on the exhibition grounds (2 km)
  • Entry as "Official Partner - IAA Test Drives" in the list of exhibitors, on the website and in the app incl. logo
  • Thematic integration in communication and PR
  • Further formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors

Participation in IAA Experience formats

As an exhibitor, you have numerous opportunities to take part in the IAA Experience formats and present your company and your products interactively. Contact our team to find the right option for your company and secure your participation.

For detailed information on participation and how you can put your company in the spotlight, visit the IAA TRANSPORTATION website. There you will find further PDF documents, details and registration options.

Discover all advertising options of the IAA Experience

Explore the extensive range of advertising opportunities at the IAA Experience to effectively showcase your brand. Whether digital advertising space, event sponsorship or interactive presentation formats - we offer you customized solutions to reach your target group.

All other formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors.


Mehr erfahren
Exclusive sponsoring options for IAA WiFi and IAA Smart Lanyards
Maximum visibility

IAA WiFi and smart lanyards

Exclusive sponsor of the IAA WiFi
Achieve unparalleled visibility by becoming an exclusive sponsor of the IAA WiFi. An outstanding opportunity to be present with every visitor as soon as they go online.
  • Be visible when logging in for WLAN access
    Present your logo as a banner for a large community of mobility experts
  • Up to 200,000 direct contact points
    Further formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors

For a personal consultation and to find out more about this sophisticated product, our expert will be happy to help you. Simply book an online meeting using the button below to discuss your questions directly.

IAA Smart Lanyard

Stand out from the crowd and get the attention of all visitors by sponsoring the IAA Smart Lanyards. An innovative way to make your brand visible directly and daily while visitors explore your exhibition area and the entire grounds.

Visibility all over the grounds, on every visitor, on every photo, on every selfie. Become an exclusive lanyard sponsor now and find your logo all over the exhibition grounds!

IAA Smart Lanyard is the synergy of traditional physical branding and digital interaction. This advertising format allows the sponsor to reach a broad target group while promoting personalized and valuable interactions.

  • Logo placement on badge lanyard together with IAA logo for free distribution to all IAA visitors
  • Digital printing on both sides on 20 mm ribbon
  • Badge with QR code incorporated into strap
    Additional costs may be incurred due to special colours or desired adjustments
  • Further formats and details can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors
  • Advertising medium and branding tool: The lanyards, which are issued to visitors for wearing their tickets and badges, are printed with the logo of the IAA and that of a sponsor. This provides the sponsor with excellent visibility as the lanyards are worn throughout the trade fair.

  • Integration of a QR code: Attached to the lanyards is a small badge that carries a QR code. This code leads to an exclusive landing page created specifically for the sponsor's marketing purposes.

  • Digital interaction and lead generation: The landing page provides a platform for the sponsor to interact with trade fair visitors, provide further information about products or services and at the same time collect contact details for lead generation purposes.

  • Increased visitor engagement: The QR code provides an easy and quick way for visitors to access additional content and connect with the sponsor, increasing visitor engagement.

For a personal consultation and to find out more about this sophisticated product, please contact our expert. Simply book an online meeting via the button below to discuss your questions directly.

Discover all digital advertising formats

Take the first step towards increasing your brand presence at the IAA TRANSPORTATION with our diverse digital advertising formats. From banner ads and image ads to video ads on our homepage - we offer you the right solutions to reach your target groups effectively and generate lots of leads.

All other formats and detailed information can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors.


IAA Smart Lanyard Exclusive Sponsor image

IAA Smart Lanyard Exclusive Sponsor

Brand presence and image

Stars of the year

Advertising opportunities in connection with the Live Award Gala, including stage advertising and display of advertising material.

Exklusiver Main Stage Sponsor
Secure outstanding visibility as an exclusive sponsor of the main stage and position your brand at the center of the action. A unique opportunity to be in the spotlight during the biggest moments of the event.
  • Spectator capacity: 300-500 seats
  • Logo placement in the screen design
  • Placement of advertising film during the lunch break (max. 5 min.)
  • Placement of advertising material on the visitor seats
  • One stage slot for sponsor session per day á 45 min.
  • Recording of the sponsor session for free use
  • Photographs of the sponsor session by photographers for free use
  • Sponsor mention on homepage in the conference area (program)
  • At least 2x social media posts before the event
  • 1x written C-level interview for homepage and social media
  • Mention in exhibitor directory (homepage and print if available)
  • Logo placement in the Visitor Guide (printed brochure)
  • Further formats and details can be found in the Media Shop for exhibitors

The highlight is the "C-Level Interview for Homepage and Social Media". It offers a unique opportunity to present the company and its manager in an exclusive format and make them visible via various channels.

Grundeintrag Messemedien

Ihr Customer Success Manager unterstützt Sie persönlich bei der Konfiguration Ihres Ausstellereintrags. Wir helfen Ihnen, mit Inhalten und kostenlosen Werbeformaten schnell und einfach ein attraktives Unternehmensprofil zu erstellen.

Weitere Werbeformate
Onsite, Digital und Print

Steigern Sie Ihren ROI durch die Nutzung kostenloser Werbeformate. Wählen Sie zusätzliche Marketingoptionen, um Ihre Reichweite weiter zu erhöhen, Produkte zu präsentieren und Botschaften an Ihre Zielgruppe zu kommunizieren.

IAA Lead Scan - Leads sammeln und exportieren

Sammeln Sie einfach und kostenfrei die Kontaktdaten Ihrer Besucher. Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern, Besucherbadges zu scannen, und exportieren Sie alle Daten für Ihr CRM.

Maximale Reichweite
und Aufmerksamkeit

Nutzen Sie die vielfältigen digitalen und Gelände-Werbeformate, um die Reichweite und Aufmerksamkeit für Ihr Unternehmen zu maximieren.
Exclusivity and price advantages

Exclusive and cost-efficient: ValueAd media packages

Maximize your presence at the IAA TRANSPORTATION - book now and secure your price advantage!