Marketing Hub / Exhibitor profile
All marketing and sponsoring solutions for your performance at the IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024.
Advertise your presence now
Marketing onboarding for exhibitors
Your basic media entry includes customized marketing onboarding for exhibitors. Your Customer Success Manager will support you in maintaining your profile and can select additional free advertising options for you. Secure your free online meeting now.

Promote your appearance
This block is visible only in page builder. You can place this block in any position. Add only one video background for one section. Please don't set any different background (color, image, gradient) for section.
IAA Experience
- IAA Shuttle Bus
- IAA Cargo Bike Parcour
- IAA Test Drives
- IAA Bus Area
IAA Conference
- Exclusive Main Stage
Buy a session
(Industry Stage) -
Buy a session
(Speakers Corner)
IAA Lead Scan
- IAA Lead Scan free
- IAA Lead Scan team
- IAA Lead Scan pro
- Post Event Data
- Lanyard
- Powerful Customization
- Ad Banner
- Video Ad
- App Sponsorings
IAA Visitor Guide
- Powerful Customization
- Powerful Customization
- Powerful Customization
We support you with solutions and service
Discover all advertising formats and marketing options for IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 in one place. We support you personally in the selection and configuration of your digital presence. Take advantage of your free onboarding now.
Individual marketing onboarding for each exhibitor
Every exhibitor receives a customised onboarding with the basic entry. A personal Customer Success Manager will guide you through a structured online kick-off meeting to optimize your company profile and plan your marketing strategy.
Personal online meeting with a Customer Success Manager
Structured and individually prepared online meeting (60 minutes) - for all your individual concerns. This service is part of the basic entry and is available to all exhibitors. -
Exclusive free advertising formats
Participants receive exclusive access to additional free advertising formats during onboarding. -
Expertise in marketing
Our experienced Customer Success Managers will advise you on the selection of free and extended services and can book all services for you immediately online. -
Efficient service - even for technical issues
Your time is precious. Questions and concerns are clarified quickly and specifically in the meeting. We support you with technical issues and can intervene directly or online.
Free optional advertising options
Your stand registration and basic entry in all trade fair media give you access to numerous other advertising formats, sponsorship services and lead generation solutions.
Use a selection of free options to optimize the ROI of your participation. Book additional advertising formats to increase your reach, present products and communicate your messages effectively.
How to be found as an exhibitor
Visitors are looking for specific products, services or solutions. Expand your exhibitor profile with additional content and attract the attention of potential interested parties.
Make it easy for visitors to find exactly what they are looking for.
Presenting products using multimedia
A picture can express more than a thousand words, and videos or multimedia advertising formats even more. Provide interested visitors with comprehensive, multimedia information about your products and services.
Building and maintaining an image
A convincing appearance is crucial, regardless of whether you want to introduce a new brand or maintain your existing image. Use powerful visual and multimedia formats to make a lasting impression.
Digital reach in all channels
Achieve maximum reach and attention in all digital channels and media of the IAA TRANSPORTATION. Select suitable digital advertising formats for the event's homepage, the exhibitor and partner directory and the IAA app.
Attention on site
Attract attention on the exhibition grounds and numerous visitors to your stand. Book suitable onsite advertising formats to effectively promote your stand and increase the number of visitors.
Always at hand: the Visitor Guide (print)
In the high-quality printed Visitor Guide to the IAA TRANSPORTATION, editorial content, an alphabetical list of exhibitors and partners, as well as a clear site plan and detailed hall plans provide an ideal environment for special target groups or formats. Visitors can take the Visitor Guide with them, allowing long-term advertising messages to be placed.
Start now
Your basic media entry includes customized marketing onboarding for exhibitors.
Your Customer Success Manager will support you in maintaining your profile and can select additional free advertising options for you.
. 60 minutes online meeting
. We prepare your exhibitor profile
. You receive all accesses
. We guide you through a checklist
. Questions and answers
. Protocol with all details
Personal service for Exhibitors
Your Customer Success Manager offers you straightforward support in maintaining your exhibitor profile - completely free of charge. You will also receive access to exclusive, free advertising options during onboarding.
What is the best way to contact us?
Use our simple online appointment booking tool for all your appointment requests or contact us during service hours at +49 30 31519-3333 or by e-mail:
Exhibitor Shop of Deutsche Messe AG
Leave on time, arrive on time
Timing is everything - even when planning a successful appearance. So start planning your marketing now and secure the best advertising space. Avoid last-minute stress and use our timetable to make sure you don't miss any important milestones.
Start your Marketing Onboarding
Further offers for exhibitors
Discover additional ways to maximize your presence at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 - from booking exclusive conference rooms to high-impact outdoor advertising offered by Deutsche Messe AG.
Die Zukunft der Mobilität erleben
Erleben Sie die spannendsten Innovationen und neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Mobilität auf der IAA Transportation 2024.
Impulse geben
Präsentieren Sie sich auf der führenden internationalen Branchenplattform für Logistik und Transport und stellen Sie Transport, Logistik und Personenbeförderung mit uns gemeinsam in den Fokus. Setzen Sie die Benchmarks für die Zukunft unserer Branche!
- Präsentieren des technologischen und innovativen Fortschritts von Güterverkehr & Personenbeförderung
- Zeigen Sie, was jetzt und in naher Zukunft „in Bewegung“ ist!
- Treffen Sie auf Mikromobilitäts-, Lastenfahrrad-, Kleinfahrzeug-, Nutzfahrzeug- und Bushersteller sowie auf Zulieferer und Tech-Unternehmen, Dienstleister und Startups
- Vernetzung: Treffen Sie auf alle relevanten Akteure aus Cross Industrie & Politik
- Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeiten eines stimulierenden branchenübergreifenden Austausches.
- Maximales Erlebnis inklusive medialer Verwertung: Präsentieren Sie sich auf globaler Bühne.
- Globaler Fokus der wichtigen Branchenunternehmen der Welt mit medialer potentieller Reichweite: Machen Sie auf sich aufmerksam.
Zeigen Sie Ihre Lösungen
- Implementierung einer starken Ladeinfrastruktur
- Verringerung der Asynchronität von Fahrzeugen und Lademöglichkeiten
- Megawatt-Laden
- Weiterentwicklung von Batterie & Brennstoffzellen
- Mobility Hubs /Intermodalität
- Infrastrukturgestaltung für Städte und ländliche Räume im multimodalen Kontext